
friendship/gratitude series #1

Thursday, 26 June 2014

i am incredibly lucky and happy in my friendships.

i have somehow managed to surround myself with a bunch of people who challenge, amuse, inspire, support and encourage me, love my family, and are collectively some of the best humans around.
so i've decided to start dedicating pages in my 6x8 journal to each of the many people i love, and talk about why they are each special and amazing.

making a record of who you love and how you were loved seems to me to be a worthwhile pursuit.

so i've made a start, and i'll continue to work on this little project. i'm not trying to do them in any kind of order, rather i'm making pages as the right photographs present themselves.

here's the first one, dedicated to one of my littler friends, maeve:

1 comment

  1. i have somehow managed to surround myself with a bunch of people who challenge, amuse, inspire, support and encourage me, love my family, and are collectively some of the best humans around.
    I think this says more about you than your friends. I only said to Col yesterday that you don't just have friends, you have a wonderful, supportive community. I know of no one richer in friends than you and S-J x

    This is a lovely layout about Maeve.
