
including quotes

Sunday, 2 March 2014

since he's at prime hilarious-toddler-speak stage at the moment, i'm making room for arty quotes where i can.

this one was so sweet. our friend siobhan came over to visit, and he went right up to her, said "hello, 'vaun! nice-a see you!" so enthusiastically, and then gave her a big hug.
arty's a kid who doesn't give his hugs away for free - they're a sign of real love and affection, so this was pretty special.

how do you include quotes in your spreads?


  1. Love the way you've done this. I was just writing mine on cards as part of journaling but last week I made a card especially for Elijah quotes that I plan to trot out weekly.

    1. thanks, ren! it's so worth writing this stuff down, isn't it? xxx
